University researchers can send either an abstract or a full paper in English to present their research at the Conference, while others can send a full paper in Croatian.

Proceedings with full papers in English and Croatian and the Book of Abstracts in English will be published right after the Conference (both with ISBN and DOI). 

In addition, a scientific book with selected full papers in English (not published in proceedings or elsewhere) will be submitted to a world-class publishing house and indexed in WOS/Scopus (upon acceptance).

To be published, all abstracts and full papers must be prepared according to the instructions for authors.

*Download the Word document as a paper template from the following Google DOCS:

DEADLINES  for participants who intend to participate with the FULL PAPER

Full Paper (in Croatian) Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2024 September 30th, 2024

Full Paper (in English) Submission Deadline: September 30th, 2024 October 15th, 2024

If you need a paper acceptance confirmation for your business trip purposes, please send an abstract at your convenience. Otherwise, full-paper participants do not have to send abstracts, but all must register as soon as they have a topic.

For listeners only - register here.

DEADLINE for participants who intend to participate with an ABSTRACT ONLY (without full paper)

Abstract only (in English) Submission Deadline: October 15th, 2024 

Notification of Acceptance: up to 10 working days by submission

Further steps: review process - improvements - final decision on acceptance