The EUsolis Jean Monnet Team from the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (FEB Zagreb), Croatia, is pleased to invite you to the International Scientific Jean Monnet Conference 2024: Building Sustainable EU Society for the Future as part of the EUsolis Jean Monnet project. This Conference will focus on but is not limited to the themes of solidarity, inclusiveness, sustainability, youth, education, and the overall promotion of EU values. It aims to bring together researchers, educators, experts, and practitioners to present their research and discuss recent educational challenges, EU integration, ESG issues, etc. Participation at the Conference is free of charge.

Conference Details:

Dates: December 12-13, 2024

Location: House of Europe, Zagreb, Croatia (just a corner away from the beautiful Advent Zagreb)

Participation: onsite & online participation (hybrid event)

Conference Themes:


EU Integrity

International Economics

Sustainable Finance, Accounting & Monetary Economics

Labour and Demographic Economics

Economic History, Economic Development and Growth

Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development



Management and Business Administration

Corporate Governance and Ethics 

Human Resources Management

Digital Technologies in Business and Economics

Entrepreneurship and Innovation 


Sustainable Business


Law and Economics

EU Institutional Framework and Governance

Human Rights and EU Law

EU Competition Law

Digital and Data Protection Law in the EU

EU Trade Law and Policy

Environmental Law and Policy in the EU

Regulation of the EU Single Market

Free Movement of Goods, Services, Capital, and People in the EU


Innovative Teaching Methods 

Curriculum Development and Educational Standards 

Integrating Technology and Digital Tools in Education

EU Values in Education 

Lifelong Learning and Vocational Education

Professional Development for Educators and Librarians

EU Education Policies 

Cross-Border Educational Collaboration and Exchange Programs

Other relevant topics related to the Economics, Business, Law & Education are welcome!

Researchers are invited to submit an abstract or a full paper. English and Croatian are the official languages of the Conference. However, only high school teachers can submit their papers in Croatian but cannot submit the abstract. All full papers will undergo a double-anonymized review process.

👉 Submission Guidelines and Important Dates:

Full Paper (in Croatian) Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2024 September 30th, 2024

Full Paper (in English) Submission Deadline: September 30th, 2024 October 15th, 2024

Abstract only (in English) Submission Deadline: October 15th, 2024

If you need a paper acceptance confirmation for your business trip purposes, please send an abstract at your convenience. Otherwise, full-paper participants do not have to send abstracts, but all must register as soon as they have a topic.

Notification of Acceptance: up to 10 working days by submission

Contact Persons:

Kosjenka Dumančić, Ph.D.

Davorka Jukica, MA

E-mail: or

👇 Follow us on social media for updates and more information about the Conference.

We look forward to your participation and contribution to fostering an inclusive and knowledgeable EU society.

Join us in Zagreb and be part of a transformative educational experience!

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